Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10 Interesting Reads #1

Welcome Readers!

Here are 10 good reads for you.

1) Niche- Education
Joan Valenzuala shares his thoughts on Teaching. He says that good teaching is deeply personal.

2) Niche- Inspiration

Brilliant preacher, Bro. Bo Sanchez, challenges you to bounce for every trial that comes your way.

3) Niche- Parenting/Pre-School Education

Mummy Blogger, Levy, shares her tips on how to improve your child's motor skills.

4) Niche- Self Improvement/Inspiration

Mike Brown shares 7 powerful success tips to get out of the rut and start achieving.

5) Niche- Education/Inspirational Stories

Have you met a teacher who has taught for almost 6 decades? Meet Mr. Pagsi

6) Niche- Education

Ever wondered how to make students or kids pay attention to you? Here are the answers to settle that question once and for all.

7) Niche- Minimalism

Mark Lowe, a Minimalist, argues that living a frugal and simple life will not weaken the economy or prevent a recovery.

8) Niche- Social Media

Michelle shares to us how to run Facebook contests and promotions the right way.

9) Niche- Food

Craving some burgers? Then head over to Champ's Burger in Quezon City!

10) Niche- Minimalism

Joshua Becker, a Minimalist, shares some thoughts on great men being minimalists.


I hope you enjoyed the first post on Interesting Reads.

Share your comments and suggestions below :)

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